Electric Peak

Electric Peak


Not sure how relevant this is since not many people ski here, but I thought I’d share anyway. I skied Electric today, and found mostly stable conditions. There was 1-3” of new snow down low, and 6-8” of low density snow up high (with absolutely no sign of any wind on the summit, incredibly). I saw no signs of recent activity, and pits on a SW aspect at 10,600’ and a N aspect at 10,800’ showed that the newer snow was well-bonded to the crust layer 30-50 cm down. A couple hand pits on SW aspects on the way up showed a layer of small facets about 10 cm above the crust, but it was unreactive in an ECT. While skiing on north and east aspects, the new snow readily sloughed, but did not go far. Once the sun started coming out, many small to medium-sized sloughs poured off of cliffs, but did not push into anything larger.
I did get one small slab to pull on the crust layer on an E aspect at 8000’, so the snow has proven to not be uniformly well-bonded. The wind picked up from the NW around 1pm, and by the time I was leaving Gardiner at 4pm, there was an astonishing amount of snow getting transported by the wind—it looked like Electric Peak was wrapped in cotton candy.

Southern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Electric Peak
Observer Name
Sam Reinsel